Camilla Elfving is a Spiritualist Medium working with all aspects of mediumship.
Camilla is highly experienced in out-of-body projection and author to many books on the paranormal.
Togheter with a fellow-worker Medium Vivi Linde, Camilla is the producer of the weekly podcast Mediumpodden, www.mediumpodden.se with many listeners – a great success.
Camilla is a long term member of the Swedish SPR, Society for Psychical Research, Sällskapet för Parapsykologisk forskning and one of the founders of Mediumförbundet, a non-profit organization for spirituality and mediumship. Board: Camilla Elfving, MariaTherese Bohman Agerhill, Emmy Bornemark, Anna-Lena Vikström, Frida-Louise Vikman and Anne Piper.
Many strings to her bow, sometimes as a reporter on spiritual topics and sometimes featured herself.
Pictured: Expressen, Swedens leading evening tabloid.
A debate reply from Camilla Elfving was published 9/1-2017.

Debate topic: Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden revealed she could sense the presence of energies, spirits at the Royal Palace.
Pictured: The Magazine Nära from March 2016. Four editorial pages on Camilla Elfvings Trance Mediumship incl. testimonials from a paranormal researcher and a sitter who was happily reunited with a deceased loved one.
Pic: Hänt Extra på Andrasidan at 2013 (equivalent to gossip magazines as Hello! etc.) Circulation of approx. 300.000 readers. Camilla was writing Camillas School of Magic for Hänt Extra.
Själens superkrafter – The superpowers of the Soul, released March, 2022. Publisher: Inspired Life by Vattumannen.
Author to the book and cd Medium, released in 2017.
Publisher: Vattumannen förlag. Distributed to members in the book club Livsenergi.
Author to Den slutna kretsen/The inner circle – a true story about Physical mediumship and life after death. The book had a first release in 2009 and was reprinted in November 2016. Publisher: Vattumannen Förlag.
Camillas book Upptäck ditt andra sinne (Explore your second state) was released 2002.
The book Resan inåt (Going within) was released 2005.
Public lectures and demonstrations. Pictured: Spiritual Cruise at 2009. Audience: 350 people. Camilla was talking about Trance- and Physical mediumship.
At the NoMind-festival, Ängsbacka in 2012, Camilla was sponsored by The Monroe Institute when she was holding a workshop and lecture on the topic Out-of-body experience. NoMind-festival at Ängsbacka had about 800-1.000 visitors.
Music technology from the Monroe Institute supporting mental relaxation, higher consciousness and inner peak-experience
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